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Four Ways to Protect Your Back When Moving

Lifting heavy objects is one of the most common causes of back injury, so it’s important to take preventive steps when moving to a new home. Those who are moving should keep these four loading and unloading tips in mind to avoid strains and other painful, debilitating back issues.

1. Warm up the Muscles

As with any workout, it’s important to stretch the muscles before lifting heavy items. Pay attention to the arms, legs, and back, as well as the core muscles. The warmer they are when lifting begins, the lower the risk of injury.

2. Look Before Lifting

Assess the size and weight of a box before picking it up. For example, try moving it with a foot to see how heavy it is. If it can’t be lifted safely, leave it alone until you have assistance. Avoid packing boxes with too many heavy items, and load containers with the heaviest items at the bottom.

3. Create a Clear Path

Never lift a heavy box without ensuring that a path is clear to its destination. If it becomes necessary to stop, putting the box down and lifting it again creates another opportunity for back injury. Obstacles in the path can also cause a dangerous fall.

4. Use Proper Form

If a box is safe to lift, then start by placing feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down by bending only the knees and hips while keeping the back straight and shoulders back. When it’s time to stand up again, slowly straighten the hips and knees and lift without twisting. Engage your arms, legs, and core muscles to lift the load; do not lift using the back. Hold the box as close to the torso as possible and avoid bending forward.

Those who are concerned about injuring their backs while moving should consult with Go Mini’s® to make the process easier. In addition to loading and unloading assistance, we provide packing supplies, storage solutions, and full-service moves.

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